2021: The Year in Review

Top #Essays Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Should you believe in rebirth? Whatever! 184
A proposal for the reform of discriminatory bhikkhunī rules (part 2) 104
The day I became an inferior human being 99
A proposal for the reform of discriminatory bhikkhunī rules (part 1) 72
The Counterfeit of the True Teaching 46

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
I shall keep reciting the “Way to the Beyond” 69
Should you believe in rebirth? Whatever! 64
The day I became an inferior human being 62
The Counterfeit of the True Teaching 44
A proposal for the reform of discriminatory bhikkhunī rules (part 1) 40

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Should you believe in rebirth? Whatever! 264
The day I became an inferior human being 73
A proposal for the reform of discriminatory bhikkhunī rules (part 1) 69
From Lioness Roars to Purrs - A Review of The First Free Women by Matty Weingast (Therigatha) 55
The Counterfeit of the True Teaching 48

Most Popular

User Topic Score
I shall keep reciting the “Way to the Beyond” 54
Should you believe in rebirth? Whatever! 54
The day I became an inferior human being 51
The Counterfeit of the True Teaching 43
A proposal for the reform of discriminatory bhikkhunī rules (part 1) 41

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Top Ten Suttas (and ten more to read as well) 10
Should you believe in rebirth? Whatever! 8
The politics of the Buddha’s genitals 6
Dependent Origination, by Ajahn Brahm 6
A Psychological take on Dependent Origination 6