Sarva-bhaveṣu ca saṁsaramāṇaḥ, puṇyatŭ jñānatu akṣayă-prāptaḥ,
prajña-upāya-samādhi-vimokṣaiḥ sarva-guṇair-bhavi akṣaya-kośaḥ. [27]
This is the 27th verse of the Bhadracari (Prayer for good conduct), the last part of the 56th chapter of Gandhavyuha Sutra (or 55th in another version).
Anandajoti Bhikkhu translating it from Sanskrit, read:
Wandering through all existences, with merit, with knowledge, having attained the imperishable, with wisdom, skill in means, concentrations and liberations, and with all virtue, may I be an indestructible vessel.
Douglas Osto, translating from Sanskrit but also consulting Tibetan and Chinese, read:
Wandering in all existences,
Through merit and knowledge
I have obtained the indestructible.
Through wisdom, means, trances, liberations and all good qualities,
May I become an indestructible treasury
Peter Alan Roberts translating from Tibetan, while also consulting Sanskrit and Chinese, for the version in, read:
While circling through all existences,
May I obtain inexhaustible merit and knowledge.
May I be an inexhaustible treasure of wisdom,
Methods, samādhis, liberations, and all good qualities.
Thomas Cleary, translating from Chinese, read:
Migrating through all states of being,
Having acquired inexhaustible virtue and knowledge,
May I become an inexhaustible treasury of wisdom and means,
Concentration, liberation, and all virtues.
As you see there are differences in interpretation. While the first line has no disagreement, the next three lines had varying translation.
There are three main contention here.
(1) Whether akṣaya here means indestructible, or inexhaustible
(2) Whether the good qualities mentioned are the cause to be practiced, or the attribute gained as a result of practice.
(3) Whether the quality of indestructible/ inexhaustible is the accompanying attribute, or the cause, or the result.
And maybe other smaller points.
Interestingly, all translations here are doctrinally valid, in my opinion. One can think of explanation about the meaning of that particular interpretation.