A distraction

How the line is made up is PUBLIC behavior, in front of all laity, and it is a lesson. A lesson in contempt and doubt and impermanence of the Buddha’s clear explicit vinaya… It matters, as a laywoman, it hurts, it causes doubt of this oh so worldly Sangha, it causes disrespect, but not to the bhukkhunis. It causes me to wonder, are there no lay there who know their duties, who speak as the Buddha made clear was good behavior. It makes me doubt laymen, many of whom have walked away from the Holy Life so cherished by women. It makes me doubt 10 vow nuns, who are told to do terrible things and mundane things in service prohibited to ordained, because they are a hybrid invented by men who failed to study the vinaya and failed to show compassion and failed to apply the great rule and failed to see that gender is impermanence and failed to see that all humans need monastics similar to themselves.