A few translation contexts for anattā as not self

Very interesting topic.

Hi Bhante, I’m a little confused by this. SN 22.59 discusses anattā in terms of a lack of control, rather than in a metaphysical way. It seems to be, in part, about seeing through the illusion that there is something in control.

I think you said this yourself very well here:

This “natural laws” seems to be the reason for this lack of control:

“Bhikkhus, form is nonself. For if, bhikkhus, form were self, this form would not lead to affliction, and it would be possible to have it of form: ‘Let my form be thus; let my form not be thus.’ But because form is nonself, form leads to affliction, and it is not possible to have it of form: ‘Let my form be thus; let my form not be thus.’

I think that the modern materialistic rejection of a soul doesn’t have much to do with insight into anattā. Otherwise stream entry would be very common. Materialists still think they are in control…