A nice posting on Facebook today to share: Ven Rakkhita

Ven Rakkhita Samanera:
" I am deeply grateful for both his efforts, the Access to Insight, which has been a stepping stone, and also the previous scholars, PTS , Rhys Davies etc. It takes time and a team relay effort. A great effort. All the monks and noble ones who ever transmitted the Dhamma and the Sangha. Sujato Bhikkhu has brought a great work. Many of the missing suttas in Access to Insight are now browsable also. The text to speech means that all day and night long i can be listening to Dhamma Sutta radio in my room. It prevents spending time on easily accessible entertainment and social media. Keeps us focussed. The combination of refreshing new translations, the technology to make the teachings easily available and the benefit of a lovely Sangha existing in many places, countries and cultures, with easy enough travel. We live in good times. Sadhu sadhu sadhu"


Indeed we do live in good Dhamma times!
The general outlook is somewhat bleaker however. :thinking:
Thanks for the reference to AN3.56. :pray:

AN3.56:3.1: Furthermore, because these days humans just love illicit desire … the heavens don’t provide enough rain, so there’s famine, a bad harvest, with blighted crops that turn to straw. And so many people perish.

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Hi, Karl. My response is not a counter to your comment. Just a thought this morning.

The general outlook can be bleak. There are a number of good reasons why the lives of people, animals and plants will perish on this planet over the coming years. I’ve lived long enough to be mindful of my Mother’s stories from her childhood of her home city going dark at night for fear of air raids from the Nazis, and learning of Nazi subs in her home port. I remember as a young student being prepared for nuclear war with Russia, and stories of people building bomb shelters in their backyards.

With climate catastrophe, conflict ( I just returned from the Thai-Burma border, and could not visit one refugee camp due to concerns over Wa Army fighting in the area), food insecurity, fires, floods…the list goes on. Times seem bleak.

But I feel that part of the Buddha’s perspective was this expansion-contraction model of life. Good times come, and they go. And then they come again. So, perhaps the best we can do is to start each day mindful of this experience, and so our best with it. Some days, when the news is bleak, and just seeing Trump’s face on the news causes me to want to put my fist into his stupid orange countenance, I step back and try to cultivate Metta. Some mornings, when the day is starting a bit rough, I greet the morning sun outside my window with a recorded chant of the Gayatri Mantra:
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodayāt

“The power inside the Sun to inspire us with the wisdom to give our best.”

Many people will perish. Many will be born today. What can we do to help that all of those in this cosmology of the natural expansion and contraction of this life, including ourselves, be well, happy, and peaceful?