A Note from Matty Weingast on The First Free Women

This past year has been hard on everyone.

Each of us has suffered deep losses.

Each of us continues to deal with the turmoil of the world in our own way.

And my guess is that each of us is struggling to some degree.

I believe that every single person involved in this discussion deeply cares about the Dhamma and is speaking from a place of integrity and advocating for what they think is best—not just for themselves, but for our whole community.

I also believe that all of the questions that have been raised are points about which thoughtful people can disagree.

We all come from such different backgrounds and inhabit such different bodies in such different ways.

We have all come to the practice for different reasons. And we each relate to the practice in a different way.

It would be weird if we all thought the same things, believed the same things, wanted the same things.

It would be weird if we all agreed on everything.

If you have something to say, by all means say it. And if you wish, say it loudly.

By speaking our truths out loud, we learn to listen and better understand one another. We learn to better understand our own views and how we relate to our own views.

Of course, when people start speaking their truths, we quickly realize that what is true for me is not true for another. And what is true for someone else is not true for me.

It is my hope that this book will continue to encourage open dialogue within our community—as all good books should do.

I hope that this discussion continues honestly, respectfully, and productively for everyone involved.
May we all awaken.

And may we all continue to support one another along the path to awakening.

I ask that you please forgive these somewhat sloppy sentences. I am sure that fault can be found with some of the wording, but my meaning and intention I hope are clear enough.

And for those who deeply disagree with everything I’ve said here, please know that I respect your view and would defend your right to express it.

Matty Weingast
June 1, 2021