A twelve week course on Pali for serious students by Bhante Sujato

Thank you John, I am truly humbled to have a chance to offer my appreciation to the author of such useful resources. I understand the caveat around accuracy.

What I really found useful was that you took the trouble to do the translations twice (for Warder) - a word by word transliteration, followed by a “natural English” translation, and that helped me enormously. Also you took the trouble to research and prove that the sentences from the exercises came from the suttas (where possible).

I am also using Ajahn Brahmali’s answer key (as well as doing the course on wiswo.org), and find it quite useful to compare his answers with yours.

In contrast, I found some of the answers in the “official” key to Pali Primer a bit frustrating. Some of them use words not taught until the next lesson, and some of them I did not understand why certain words were used and not others.