Adaptions/translations of Well-known Dhamma Poems

Here is a song by Milarepa which may help others on the Noble Eightfold Path walk the Path of the Dharma. If you are seeking Enlightenment, this song may help. Do you want to be happy? This entire song is a focus on how to be that. Milarepa is considered a Fully Awakened One. Namaste.

Happiness and Misery, Drawing the Line


Someone who rests in the act of self-recognition
And is therefore in contract with basic reality
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner chasing after delusion
Caught up in creating a welter of suffering
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who rests in a state which is not artificial
Is unchanging and pure in the midst of whatever occurs
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

For a dharma practitioner caught in events and reacting
Likes and dislike pile up all by themselves
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s realized appearance as dharmakaya
Has cut through the hopes and the fears and the hesitations
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner careless and full of pretences
And not on top of the eight worldly dharmas at all
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who knows that everything is mind
Is able to use whatever appears as a resource
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner lost in this life’s distractions
Will find a great deal to regret at the time of death
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s mastered a measure of realization
Can settle in natural mind’s natural presence
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner shackled in lots of desires
Who is self-indulgent and scrounging for attention
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

The one for whom labels are freed on the spot where they’re forming
Has an unbroken flow of insightful experiences
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner caught in conventional terms
Will not gain conclusive discernment applying to mind
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s given up worldly pursuits and involvement
Is free of self-interest and narrow-mined objectives
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma person whose struggle is geared to provisions
Whose only perspective is caring for family and friends
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s turned from attachment from within
With the realization that everything is illusion
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner taking a path of distraction
Sells his own body and speech into slavery
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who rides on the horse of diligence
Will go through the levels and travel all freedom’s path
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner shackled in laziness
Will sink like an anchor into the brine of samsara
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s listened, reflected and cut hesitation
Then contemplates the panorama of mind
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner claiming to practise the dharma
Whose way of behaving is really a case of wrongdoing
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s cut through the hoping and fearing and doubting
And rests in the natural state without interruption
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.

A dharma practitioner led by the nose by the others
Who flatters and humors them just to get their applause
This is a person unhappy at any time
This is a person who’s always miserable.

Someone who’s left the cares of this life behind
And is always engaged in practising excellent Dharma
This is a yogi and happy at any time
Someone like this is a yogi and always content.