ADHD accommodations and Slowdown mode / the forum and ableism

I have a few requests for this specific thread (and any future threads by adhd people discussing adhd issues) for the mods.

  1. please do not turn on slowdown mode in this thread that is about us! If people start posting ableist stuff (and turning this into a dumpster fire), slow THEM down with the flags and deletions and all of that. But please let us have a space where we can act like ourselves when we are discussing ourselves.

  2. in posts about adhd, in the spirit of letting us act like ourselves, let us post several posts in rapid succession. In other threads I make a whole lot of effort to restrain myself, despite it going against how I am wired. It would be nice to not have to worry about that at least when we are discussing adhd and adhd issues. Let this be a thread where our mode of communication is respected. We don’t get that often.

  3. this was an issue in the original thread where I brought up adhd: people denying the existence of adhd. This is ableist. Please flag and delete those comments if those come up.

  4. and since we are on the topic of accommodations in this forum for adhd. I would like mods to take a look at this old thread where I brought up adhd. The mod’s whole “this is not a place for therapeutic advice, please talk to a professional” was very condescending. It was supposed to be a theoretical thread of sharing a neurodivergent POV and an invitation to look at suttas from said POV. I was not seeking meditation or therapeutic advice… I was seeking to explore the concept of neurodiversity in the suttas. That thread led me to leaving this forum for a couple of years (I have brought this up to @sujato 8 months ago and he was willing to revisit the issues brought up in that thread, but I chickened out because it IS a difficult conversation, so tagging you to let you know, I am finally bringing these issues up :slight_smile: ) . ADHD and meditation - #38 by Ulriquinho