AI-7: The Lords of AI

If you’re interested in the role of racism in AI, I’d recommend the work of Timnit Gebru:

And also Abeba Birhane:

And Émile P Torres:

In a nutshell: AI reinforces racist stereotypes, and it is not just because of the data sources, but because of the beliefs and values of the people running it.

Indeed, it’s a terrific article.

I’m very happy to hear that. That was the first time I’d heard either Jack or Sam in person. I didn’t really know what to expect, but it wasn’t that!

Technically correct! Some more discussion of his monastic career can be found in this thread, for which see especially the comment by Ven Dhammanando.

Good on you! Electric vehicles have their place, but they aren’t going to solve climate change. Their biggest environmental contribution, I think, will be in creating cleaner city air. Which is a huge problem!

Ha ha, my maths skills are definitely rusty. I think Musk recently offered an update on this, but not sure how it differs.

Oh, good.

Indeed, and the quicker we move the better.

We can look at things like the story of Mandhata, the king who had everything and eventually wanted to conquer heaven.

Buddhism has both good and bad rich people. We’ve always had an equivocal relationship with wealth, which is good: wealth is equivocal.

For good leadership, the best place to look is the Vinaya.