Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhana

Alright. I would say saddhānusārī and dhammānusārī are results of the path. The path itself is always the eightfold one. The path gives rise to slightly different results based on the characteristics of the individual.

Yes, this is a common claim, but is there any evidence in the EBTs to support this? The Buddha tailored his teachings to the overcoming of specific defilements, such as anger and sensual desire. His teachings are mostly concerned with universal problems that a large number of beings encounter rather than with individuals.

I can understand this, and I commiserate! Ideally one should stay with a person for a long time to observe their conduct. One will then have a much more solid foundation for whom to believe.

But, you know, it does matter what the jhānas are. If you get them wrong, you won’t fulfil the path. It’s as simple as that. From a practical perspective, however, all you need to do is continue the deepening of your meditative stillness and bliss. If you keep going, this is bound to eventually lead to the jhānas … and beyond!