Ajahn Paññāvaddho & paticca-samuppada

This one : Brain makes decisions before you even know it | Nature

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Haynes “fresh look”, as the late 2015 proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences puts it, might cast some crispness to the old too soon assumed dogma.

We live in a quantum world, with quantum indeterminacy; an indeterminacy that is just averaged out at the macroscopic level, to become “determinism”. Stars and brains are macroscopic structures, made of innumerable averaged quantum phenomenas. The transition from quantum to classical happens at this level of averaging. Determinism is just this averaging - the only “illusion” out there. What Buddha called the stableness of DO in SN 12.20.
The brain is just the averaging macroscopic structure emerging from the quantum microscopic world, that in turn, controls through mental events (that have become, so to speak, “determined”) this microscopic undetermined quantum multitude.
In other words, what has become the determined “mind”, can move the body and all its contained undetermined quantum physical particles.
End of mind/body problem.

  1. Microscopic quantum world >> 2. Macroscopic physical world >> 3. Microscopic quantum world.

Though this does not tell us much about how the (#1) quantum phenomena - with its immaterial nature (information,) that needs matter & energy to express itself - had come to be. How we have evolved from pure information (ignorance,) to information processing material artifacts (biology), to teleologic (nomic) purposive self-replicating biological communicative information artifacts, etc.

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We think of time as linear - perhaps it’s not that straightforward. Another assumption we make is there has to be a beginning- maybe there isn’t. We also assume all things can be known (or figured out). Maybe somethings cannot be deducted.