I’ve been having a thought over the last few months. My claim: every celestial body has trillions of beings on it.
In DN27, we see the origination of the world. I think we can reasonably say that beings descended into earth in search for earthly food. Before then, there were just beings without bodies made of earth / with bodies made of something else.
But, where did those beings come from?
There are two possibilities: either they traveled through space to get here, or they were already here by pure luck.
How do I know they don’t easily float through space? It’s because they are affected by gravity. Evident by people being reborn in a geographically close area even when separated from their culture. They aren’t born in the middle of space, clearly beings are all subject to the force of gravity.
Maybe some of the lighter ones can find their way over, otherwise they’d have to somehow make a heavenly rocketship.
If they were all already on this planet, maybe in the skies or below the surface a little because they are more or less dense as aided by gravity, then doesn’t that mean every other planet should also have luminous beings staying there?
I have found estimates in the range of quintillions of animals on earth. All of which must have previously been luminous.
I assume they will also be gravitated to stars and moons. There are about a trillion planets, half a trillion stars, and many more moons and asteroids in the milky way. There is roughly a trillion galaxies in total. This means there are about hundreds of sextillions (10²¹) of stars and planets. The size of them doesn’t matter because of available space, but because of the probability it gets attracted and lands on that body. Most of these are bigger than earth, but if they all have at least a quintillion beings, there are at least 10⁴¹ beings.
If you picked up on the implication here, it’s intense. Can’t you imagine the trillions of luminous beings on Saturn and distant moons? It means your chance of ending up on earth were unimaginably slim. It means we take this ridiculously for granted. If all the beings don’t concentrate around just this earth, this is high nibbida reflection.