An outlet for venting: pet peeves, complaints, rants, and grievances about the current state of Buddhism

I already complained in haiku lol

The ability to voice one’s concerns in accordance with the Dhamma-Vinaya (i.e. right speech) seems important. I think the Buddha started the practice of soliciting feedback precisely to go against the fearful tendency of sweeping problems under the rug in order to avoid confrontation. This doesn’t seem to lead to an actually clean house - just a very, very dirty floor under the carpet lol.


This seems to show why comedy is so cathartic. The problems we simply repress inwardly and bury inside seem to find solace in the comedies (or other forms of art, etc.) that express and give voice to the problems its viewers often feel, but are unwilling or unable to say.

I am hoping this thread can be an outlet so that those frustrations and concerns related to Buddhism can find an appropriate avenue to be expressed suitably here.