Annihilation of ”mere cessation” ;)

This is relevant

There are these two elements of Nibbāna . What it the two? Nibbāna element with residue and Nibbāna element without residue.

What is called Nibbāna element with residue? Here, a monk, [by] destroying five lower fetters, he approached final Nibbāna [in Suddhavasa realm], not returning to this world. This is called Nibbāna element with residue.

What is called Nibbāna element without residue? Here, a monk destroyed taints (asava) and attained the unstained, is liberated in the mind (cetovimutti) and liberated by wisdom (paññāvimutti). He personally realized and penetrated for himself: ‘Birth and death has been destroyed, holy life has been established, there is no more experience of becoming.’ Thus he understands as it really is. This is called Nibbāna element without residue. These are two elements of Nibbāna, which should be sought with [exerting] effort, until [achieving] Nibbāna without residue. Thus, monks, you should train

Thread about it Two Elements of Nibbāna in EA 16.2

Also this

  1. Rising from the first jhana, he entered the second jhana. Rising from the second jhana, he entered the third jhana. Rising from the third jhana, he entered the fourth jhana. And, rising from the fourth jhana, the Blessed One immediately passed away.

The World’s Echo

  1. And when the Blessed One had passed away, simultaneously with his Parinibbana there came a tremendous earthquake, dreadful and astounding, and the thunders rolled across the heavens.
    Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha

As i understand, the final extinguishment, as a final removal of delusion, is one thing, and the final extinguishment of the aggregates is another thing.

I assume that the EA is correct, in that a partial removal of delusion is nibbana with residue and a complete removal of delusion is nibbana without residue, whereas the term parinibbana i use as the khandaparinibbana, but one could say parinibbana of delusion too.

Nibbana, as a removal of taints, depends on turning the mind away from the khandas and towards the deathless element, towards a direct experience of khandanirodha, the stilling of all sankhara.

First comes khandanirodha, by attaining this some of the taints are removed. If he is steady in that, all taints are removed. He can still enter into & abide in the same principial khandanirodha attainment after the complete removal of delusion, for as long as life-force lasts, up until the khandaparinibbāna.