Another take on Satipatthana and Jhana

I was going to come back to elucidate a little bit further, but it is so nice to see some of you are already there :slight_smile:

For me it is not even about proving oneself, or ones idiosyncratic way into the teachings, rather the acknowledgement that there are many ways to understanding - as has been mentioned in above posts.

The EBTs are a UNIQUE and whole system for understanding and then moving beyond the suffering in Samsara.

Skilled teachers, Ariyas and even Arahants and Arahant teachers only have a part of the picture. It is ONLY the fully enlightened, fully perfected Buddha who sees it ALL as it really is without delusion. All the aspects, parts, causes and conditions. He has given many teachings (84,000 ?) All to speak to individuals at different stages with different conditions etc. As such, the best instructions come from the one who has seen and understood it all - not just parts of the picture. Even an Arahant doesn’t see the whole picture… What did Buddha say… “what is greater, this handful of leaves or all the leaves in the all the forests… I only teach what is required” - just a handful of leaves.

By providing access to the complete teachings of the Buddha, the chance that one will find the right set of ‘keys’ to liberate understanding and to overcome delusion is the highest. By limiting oneself ones opportunities for progress are limited. Of course one can be ‘lucky’ (causes and conditions) and stumble across exactly the perfect key… but not very likely… And the likelihood that your key is also my key… pretty small :slight_smile:

There is no right way to get to the destination… there are many ways… but they all fit into the Noble 8 fold path, the 4 Noble truths and the Buddhas many teachings, examples, frameworks and similies, all illustrate these things from many different perspectives.

May everybody’s study and effort on the path lead to liberation. May we all be good Kalyanamittas on the path :pray: :revolving_hearts: :dharmawheel:

Now back to the teachings :smiley: :sunflower: