Any time/effort based dana opportunities that currently need support right now?

Are there any dāna opportunities anyone can participate in? Or how can people support SuttaCentral and related projects? I want to help support the four-fold Buddhist community with preserving texts and support monastics. How can I do dana without necessarily having to spend money? Thank you for reading.

With kind regards :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, any kind of technical skills (computer programming, translations) would be welcome, I suppose. :slight_smile:

What can you offer?


Hi, thank you for the apt response!

I’m thinking of a few basic things that don’t require very specialist skills, I can help with:
Content categorisation, or tagging concepts into themes or groups (?)
Administrative or categorising document work (I have volunteered with a Bhikkhuni sangha before on writing video descriptions, so I have experience here).
Recording narrative audio of suttas and commentaries, etc for those who need it.
Perhaps I could help in forums with moderating or being a good hand in responding to questions.

I don’t have much technical skills, though I have great social and artistic skills.
Do you have any more questions for me or volunteer jobs that are open?
With warm regards, :pray:t2:


Hi @radiantmetta ,

I run and we are open to volunteers!

The project is to organize the large amount of free materials online about Buddhism into thematic, high quality bibliographies and courses. If you (or anyone else!) is interested in helping out with the librarianship (helping sort through academic articles, books, and talks), feel free to send me a private message and we can discuss further.

@Snowbird - Do you know of any non-technical projects here at SuttaCentral that could use some help?

Anumodana to your generosity!

  • Khemarato Bhikkhu

This project comes to mind:


What sort of programming skill is required? And how much commitment is required? I’m intrigued. I used to be a software developer, albeit a mediocre one.

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