Attention! Impure Dhamma on site

Hi Nikolas,

Thanks for your contribution! If I may make a couple of suggestions.

While I agree with most of the things you are saying, you would convey your message more effectively if you were to tone down the language. It sounds hysterical, and many people would dismiss it on those grounds alone. As pointed out by Mike, the teachings of this group are already banned from this site, we are well aware of them.

I’d also recommend that you use the standard international spelling for Romanized Pali. For example, you have vinnaya, vinnana, vinyana, vinnyana, and vignana. If the redactors of the Pali canon can take the time and care to spell it consistently as viññāṇa, so can you.

One of the bases for the confusions promoted by the Waharaka group is that they mix up Romanized Sinhalese for Romanized Pali. Using the consistent and correct spelling helps to make sure your message is unambiguous, and it helps our community understand what you are trying to say.

Finally, may I encourage you to take more care with your writing, especially in the use of paragraphs. Carefully structured writing invites the reader in, and is considerate of their time and attention. Slow it down and check it over; good writing takes time.

Thank you for this, it’s an important point, and one that is all too often overlooked. There are plenty of Buddhist teachers who mis-explain vi- in this context as “separative”. But clearly in the Upanishadic tradition it referred to “higher” consciousness as being one with Brahma, and vi- is explained in their commentaries as “infinite”.