Autonomy of the Bhikkhūnī Sangha-Aj. Hiriko

I actually started this thread because I wanted to show that the monks are listening. In the same week that this came out we also had this talk from Ajahn Brahmali and there are many other monks contributing in big and small ways to the support and growth of the bhikkhuni sangha and the removal of discriminating practices. So we have bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay-men and lay-women all working towards the growth and benefit of the Bhikkuni Sangha.

In only a few years time there will be a wave of Theris (10+ vassa bhikkhunis) in the Western world from the ordinations in Perth and California. California already has several Theris and Mahatheris. To have more Theris and Mahatheris in the world will do amazing things for equality. There will be real depth and real leadership from the female sangha. I find this so exciting. I really feel this is where some big transformations will occur. But we do need to get the nuns there first!

This is not to say that we should do nothing, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Western Theravada and the revived Bhikkhuni Sangha are still just small saplings. They need be nurtured to grow into big healthy trees. Sure we can do a bit of gentle pruning but mostly water, sunshine and nutrients are needed.