B.Sujato definition of sankappo in MN 117, vacī-saṅkhāra in MN 44

I don’t know Pali, and am not a sutta scholar. But I am devoted to practice, and check right view frequently. The best way I have found to do this (for myself) is very practical. It is to ‘experiment’ with all kinds of permutations of ‘instructions’, and to reflect deeply on the process and outcomes from the perspective of ‘does it enhance movement towards liberation’?

With regard to jhanas then, reflecting deeply on the experiences/outcomes of different states, no matter what they are labelled, is essential. If the experiences meet the objective, then that is viewed as ‘success’ and supports the position that it is right view. From the point of the outcome I find it easier to “classify” what the state was.

As such there are 2 angles from which to look at the process of jhanas; 1) interpretation of the text instructions and 2) practical experience. If the first is imprecise/confusing and can only take you a certain distance, then greater reliance on the second is indicated.