Best motivation for actions and non-actions?

See, AN1.314.

The point seems to be…behind whatever motivation, drive, intention, tendency, plan to do something, there is first a certain view or understanding of situations, or of ourselfves, others, the world. Our motivation is based upon that understanding. If this understanding is wrong, whatever intention, speech, deed …" they undertake in line with that view, their intentions, aims, wishes, and choices all lead to what is unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable, harmful, and suffering. Why is that? Because their view is bad.

Meaning, it is not our intention alone that create a certain future for ourselves and others but most of all the view behind it ! If our understanding is that sense pleasure is happiness, it is such a view that forms our world we live in. We now live in a world which is the result of this view. I do not think that our intentions were bad, but our view is wrong and has creates this world of sense-pleausure .
It is not really intention that shapes our world. View is.

My interpretation is: Buddha did not see conditioning as real change. Conditioning is how samsara works. Only freedom from conditioning is real change. This describes the difference between the mundane Path and Supra Mundane.

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