Best motivation for actions and non-actions?

This is too much. Buddhism is incompatible with this. It’s that every single quantum results are predetermiend from the big bang. Too much.

It’s enough to see that A always causes B. Suffering results from breaking precepts.

There’s a story in the commentaries of an arahant who got beaten to death by a lay disciple in the lay disciple’a home that he goes for alms everyday. Why? Because he wanted to protect the parrot who swallowed the gem which was the property of the king. The lay disciple misunderstood that the monk stole the gem since he was away for a moment and when he came back, the gem was gone, and the monk and parrot was there.

When he asked the arahant monk where is the gem, the monk didn’t want to answer. And got beaten to almost death. The bird got in the way and got beaten to death too. Then the arahant asked if the bird is dead. The lay person asked what does it have to do with you? The bird was indeed dead. Then the arahant revealed that the bird swallowed the gem. And the lay person was full of remorse. The arahant protected the bird with his own life, too bad he died from the injury.

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