Bhante Sujato Pali Course 2023: Warder lesson 1

Hi friends,

I just wanted to follow up on the lesson from Tuesday, I felt that I wasn’t able to give the clarity that y’all deserved, because of internet, and also just adjusting the presentation for the format. I’ll try to improve as we go along. Normally the internet here is not great (thanks NBN!). I dropped out while speaking at another important meeting yesterday, so it’s not just you! But last Tuesday was particularly bad, i’m not sure why, but both my phone and wifi were terrible.

I think we’ll continue with Jitsi for the next class. After that, Deepika will return from SL and we’ll have the option of switching to Zoom if we like. Don’t imagine that Zoom will solve our problems, though, no service can work if the internet is no good. If next week is still buggy, I’ll look at wifi alternatives.

I’ll be making a new thread for each class, so look for the next thread if you want to discuss issues with lesson 2.

Happy birthday Christie! Here, have some cake :cake:

Nice, thanks! I’ll make a list of resources for the course and add this to it.

Don’t worry, stick to learning lesson by lesson. Don’t jump ahead! Once we’ve covered the classes in order, some of these questions will be answered, others will be answerable.

If you’ve done the lesson and have more time to give, I would recommend memorizing prose suttas rather than going too hard on grammar.

Indeed, yes.

Not really. I don’t know the conjugation group, but the verb is bhindati. How? I just know. The most important thing is reading and comprehension. Grammar is there to assist when that doesn’t work. (Oh, and BTW the root is bhid.) NGL, I rarely look at conjugations when working out verbal forms. Mostly the endings are all you need, and the knowledge of verbal groups and the like comes through familiarity.

Another super-useful tool is the Digital Pali Dictionary. I use it all the time, and it usually gives these details. I’ll post about it in the upcoming “resources” thread.