Bhante Sujato Pali Course 2023: Warder lesson 8

Sorry - I can’t work out what/who you are responding to, Beth.

Short version: Is the second part of the note correct? In my limited knowledge of where, exactly, the more famous teachings appear, is the one Ven. Bramāli’s referring to actually in another DN sutta?

Long version: I’m not understanding Ven. Bramāli’s note that taking refuge in the sangha is not cited in DN 2 (for the reason that he mentioned). Right now, as I review the Warder exercises we did together, I’m looking at the DN passages as well so I can try to understand the context (as rote memorizing of certain words is not working for me all that well). This is the only instance of the phrase in DN 2; Warder changed it a bit in the lesson (presumably to make the grammar palatable for Lesson 8); and I can’t figure out how Venerable’s note squares with what I’m reading. (There’s also general curiosity about the origins of taking refuge and being able to locate/read them.)

:blush: :pray:

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The story of Buddha Vipassi is told in DN 14, and the first people to go for refuge do it indeed only to the Buddha and the Dhamma, as the Sangha isn’t there yet:

DN14:3.12.4: Ete mayaṁ, bhante, bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāma dhammañca.
We go for refuge to the Blessed One and to the teaching.

If you want to find a Pali quote on SuttaCentral, I think it is recommended to use the , not the , as the former is what is found on SuttaCentral.


Ah! I read the PTS reference incorrectly in the note (which correctly cites it as DII 43). Thank you :blush:… amazing how my brain kept insisting the note referenced DNI 147-186 (DN 2 equivalent). How odd.

If you want to find a Pali quote on SuttaCentral, I think it is recommended to use the ṁ, not the ṃ, as the former is what is found on SuttaCentral.

Also, thanks for the search engine instruction. Still perfecting that as my results yesterday came up empty.