Bhikkhu Bodhi on Nibbāna

I do not think so…If ones sees the cessation of existence as Nibbana, and one also believes that there is nothing remaining when an arahant dies, and one desires this cessation of existence, that is, i feel, just the same as desiring non-existence. It is the same as what someone in great pains longs for. To cease and not feel anything anymore. That is also what mere cessation believers long for, right?

Apart from the worldview someone may have, it is exactly the same delight, desire, the same prospect.

finally i will not feel suffering anymore. Finally all ends for me

While according sutta’s the Buddha teaches the Path to the Uncondioned, according you he teaches the Path to Non-Existence. The Path of Reducing All Lifestreams to mere nothing.

Well, what a great light in the world! Excuse my cynical tone.