Bhikkhu Bodhi's "Aggregates and Clinging Aggregates"

@Nibbanka @CurlyCarl,

Continuing from Bhava doesn't mean 'becoming' - #145 by Nibbanka

They are not synonymous there, perhaps, but they are in other places. In SN22.22 for example “the burden” is once called the “taken up aggregates” and in the verse just “the aggregates”. There the two mean the same.

The aggregates can be “taken up” in the past, i.e. at the start of life, in which case they are the five aggregates of the arahant too. Or they can be “taken up” right now, which is the case of SN22.48.

SN22.48 doesn’t apply across the board. As in any language, words aren’t used with the same meaning throughout the whole of the Sutta Pitaka. In fact, it seems to me SN22.48 is the outlier.

Exactly, and he says:

There are other passages too that indicate the arahant has the “taken up (or ‘grasping’) aggregates”. I don’t have my notes here, but in my reading I found at least 5 passages that indicate it quite directly, apart from those where it is implied. Anyway, I’m not too keen to continue this discussion atm. But I thought I’d revive this thread so those interested can continue it here instead of the thread on bhava.