Bhikkhuni Vinaya's parajika offense on 8 types of flirting

Thank you @Sumano.

I can easily see the applicability of most of these, but 3, 4 and 6, are a bit more problematic, as in themselves there may be no action/flirtation involved. I imagine it would come down to intention … to converse with the intention of flirting or for speech to progress to a physical touch?

If a person feels attraction or lust, then it is obviously not wise to seek out the company of that individual, but certainly polite and correct interaction while mindfully aware, could not be a Parajika offence… or is the clue in the last words

So are 3, 4 and 6, all about intention in basic ‘innocent’ interactions, ie using these situations to facilitate lustful intent?

In writing this response, I realise that it’s deviating away from the topic, so I’ll move this to a more appropriate spot.