Bilara blurbs

The spaces at the end of segments have no significance, generally speaking. They can be either present or absent, although we might want to automate a “cleaning” process to ensure it is standard. The only tricky thing is the em-dash, which we have discussed. Otherwise a client can simply add the spaces automatically.

My own thought is that we should probably build a bilara-data auto-fixer-upper thingy, which would scan the repo and do things like correct quote marks, turn … into …, turn – into – and — into —, eliminate double spaces, and standardize trailing spaces. My preference would be that everything in bilara-data is correct as-is requiring minimum transformation by a client, so that would mean adding trailing spaces except where a segment ends in em-dash.


That would mean for German that there should be trailing spaces everywhere, since we don’t use em-dashes, and the en-dashes we use instead are wrapped in spaces.

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Right, but still the same rule applies.



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Anagarika Sabbamitta, would you add an sc-voice issue for us to write such a thing? We could make it a button on the Voice Admin console. It would need rules for each language. We would implement this as needed when we observed a problem on either website.

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:rofl: thank you. :pray:

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Is there another name to call it? I have no idea… :sweat_smile:

Do you still want to include it into v2.0?

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No. We shouldn’t fix things that aren’t verifiably broken. This would manifest on a Voice or SC web page as a typographical error. The user doesn’t look at bilara-data directly–they use a browser. However, all browsers automatically remove extraneous space, so it’s unclear where this would cause an actual problem to the end user.


Thanks :white_check_mark:

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Err, um, it should be for bilara-data, we want to ensure that everyone is using the fixed-up data.


Yes. We will update bilara-data and its downstream sc-voice/bilara-data fork as well. Voice can’t use bilara-data directly until the German translations are submitted and approved to SC bilara-data. Until then we need to update both bilara-data’s

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This week I asked Blake to implement trilingual translation on Bilara as top priority.


Great to hear that Bilara is now stable enough to envisage such a step!


Cool! Let us know when to import the German translations into the main bilara-data.


Sorry to wake up this old thread.

Is this file obsolete?

I ask because I have re-used them in a project I’m working on. However, I now realize that blurbs are also placed in individual book files here: bilara-data/root/en/blurb at published · suttacentral/bilara-data · GitHub Is that the better file to use? I ask because the SN and AN seem to have differences.

Bhante @Sujato?

If that first file is obsolete, should/could that be indicated some how?

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(following) Voice uses the above and does not use sc-data

Do you know if the first file I linked to is now obsolete?

Yes it is, please use bilara-data/root/en/blurb per Karl’s message.

I’ve put a note to the effect that the old file is deprecated. We don’t have any immediate plan to remove it, but it won’t stay forever, I like clean data.


Thank you!

Would you consider adding a blurb file for Kp? I pulled together four of your existing blurbs.

    "kp-blurbs:kp1": "The three refuges formula",
    "kp-blurbs:kp2": "The ten precepts of a novice mendicant",
    "kp-blurbs:kp3": "The thirty-two parts of the body for reflection",
    "kp-blurbs:kp4": "A list of ten doctrinal factors",
    "kp-blurbs:kp5": "A list of the types of skillful behavior that give blessings and protection.",
    "kp-blurbs:kp6": "The many treasures to be found in the Triple Gem.",
    "kp-blurbs:kp7": "The Supreme Buddha explains how to share merit with past relatives.",
    "kp-blurbs:kp8": "Merit is the only sure investment",
    "kp-blurbs:kp9": "The practice of developing universal goodwill: the practices that form a foundation for the practice, the attitude of universal goodwill itself, and the steps that lead from goodwill to awakening."

I realize the first four are kind of redundant.

The SC blurbs are actually an extremely valuable resource for any project working with suttas, so having them be as complete as possible is a good thing.