Boy, farms really have changed since I was a boy


My late father and his wife moved to a house that was built on top of an old farm. I asked them if they planned to put in a garden. They told the ground was so full of poisons from the old farm that they would have to replace the soil to do that.


Yesterday i saw a turkey farm on TV here in the Netherlands…my God…these poor animals with 10.000’s in a shed, hardly any room to walk. They are breeded in a way, just like certain chickens. Within a few months they are ripe to be slaughtered. Due to there weight they cannot walk anymore. Their life is only to serve our purpose. Real horror. The farmer apparantly found it all very normal. And then we humans would be a superior specie? What a mess. When i saw it i felt a combination of anger and sadness.

There is nothing more cruel, i feel, then this mentality of humans that animals do not deserve a real life of their own. And breeding animals in such a way that they are fat in a few month or even 6 weeks! From chick to chicken!
This rational mentality is much more cruel then a preditor killing a pray.
This is really the summum of immorality, i feel. Farming pigs, turkey, chicken, cows, geese, mink, really it is all a mess.

I believe that Kant defined immorality as using a being as only a means to a goal and not a goal itself.


I don’t see how this could make economic sense. Unless your goal is harvesting outside investors.

On the positive side:
The city earned some good revenue by leasing the land.
The builders made big bucks on cutting corners on construction materials.
And finally the owners that will do well fleecing investors.

The only downside seems to be the unfortunate pigs, the local population that will have to deal with a 26 story abandoned pig farm, the local water supply now hopelessly polluted, and some unhappy investors hoping to get rich from ‘the next big thing.’