Brahmavihārā are dukkhā

It’s logically by just seeing all conditioned phenomena are dukkha, only nibbāna is not dukkha.

Here’s quite long and detailed discussion on it: What is dukkha? - #99 by Vaddha

Can you quote it? I don’t find 4th jhāna in MN140. If you’re referring to this:

Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. When they feel a painful feeling, they know: ‘I feel a painful feeling.’ They know: ‘With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as painful, the corresponding painful feeling ceases and stops.’

Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. When they feel a neutral feeling, they know: ‘I feel a neutral feeling.’ They know: ‘With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as neutral, the corresponding neutral feeling ceases and stops.’

When you rub two sticks together, heat is generated and fire is produced. But when you part the sticks and lay them aside, any corresponding heat ceases and stops. In the same way, pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. …

They know: ‘With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as neutral, the corresponding neutral feeling ceases and stops.’

This is more of an insight into seeing causation, not actually contacts for all 3 feelings ceases.

See SN48.40 and SN48.36 which says that from 4th Jhāna and all 4 formless attainments, it’s neutral feelings. And only in cessation of perception and feeling, does all feelings ceases. There’s no mind in that cessation attainment. Whenever there’s mind, there’s feelings.