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Hmm, I have removed the blank entry. I’m not sure if it is a sheer mistake, or whether there was meant ti be a text there but I didn’t know anything about it. In either case, no point in showing a blank text.

It’s an unusual case, I have adjusted the data and I think it works ok now.

Looks like just an oversight. Preparing the Vinaya parallels was madness! Anyway I have added the missing data, and meanwhile translated a few of the untranslated Sanskrit rule names. One day I’ll get around to translating more of them, but in some cases there is literally nothing on the term except the entry here.

Hmm, that’s a mistake, I have compared with the original Mahasangiti edition.

Thanks so much to everyone who has helped! For the sake of everyone’s sanity, I’ll close this thread and open a new one.