Buddhism and society - What did Buddha really had to say about it?

I want to inform everyone that I have changed my opinion on the subject. I have fallen into an extreme.

People who study form sometimes end up believing everything comes from form and become materialist. Or those that study sociology fields sometimes end up believing everything comes from culture and language and become postmodernist. They fall into an extreme. They take the truth that they have and say everything comes from that thing and minimize the importance of other things. As Buddha said, people who are into extremes “overshoot what can be known through direct observence and end up contradicted by reality”.

In the same way I have looked at facts that support this theory but neglected facts that do not. I have neglected the importance of legislation, individual persons, chance, etc. For example US is a very politically polarized country with many extremist, be them far left or far right that many times commit mass killings, a thing that is not present in other developed societies. This is because of the 2-party political system that not only fails to marginalize extremism but to a big extent promote it.

The creation of this 2 party system was not dependent on society traits, it was dependent on individual people. And those people themselves did not expect the system to develop into a 2-party one, it would have been hard to foresee such a thing, predicting the future is hard.

So just like materialist reductionist or postmodernist, I have falen into an extreme and ended up contradicted by reality. This theory presented here is not what Buddha had to say about society and is an exageration based on reading too much into a truth said by the Buddha.

It is by figuring out when he had fallen into an extreme that Buddha eventually found the middle way.