Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections—Book Review

That is just plain untrue. I’ve seen plenty of Dhamma talks from Thai teachers speaking about it.

It’s not about denying aspects of your current body.

I think you should read a bit more about it and maybe watch a couple Dhamma talks on anatta before coming to a conclusion about it. It’s incredibly complicated and hard to understand, and in my opinion not at all for beginners to really tangle with. I have probably like a somewhat advanced beginner’s understanding of Buddhism, not even an intermediate, and I barely see the faintest outline of the implications of that concept.

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A late question: could you please point me to a place where this 3-step is worked out?

Two suttas that I know of directly addressing puññakiriyavatthu are an8.36 and iti60


Thank you, @stu, very much. I wouldn’t have found it myself …

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