Buddhist Cosmology

Hi all,

Cool, I am glad Ajahn Brahmali is also taking an interest in this topic. I have written some time ago about the most likely cosmological model in physics currently which fits with Buddhism. Link is below.

In short, standard physics wise, we do not know the first moment of the big bang, and it is still an open question. A simple conventional Big Bounce is most likely not true due to entropic considerations. There are 2 possible cyclic models I have mentioned in the article which can fit in with Buddhism.

I am also writing a whole book or series of books as it is getting too thick on Physics and Buddhism. If Ajahn Brahmali is interested, I can share what I have currently when I go to Bodhinyana monastery in perth this march. It contains (or will contain) much of the parallels between physics and buddhism on time, quantum, general methods and miscellaneous.