Buddhist Hybrid Chinese Study 1: SA 13

Could you be referring to 塞翁失馬?


Can you please compile what you think is the best translation based on the discussion above, and laid out side by side with the SA Chinese version? Thank you!

I wasn’t planning on producing a translation. I don’t think my line-by-line “translations” are up to snuff, honestly. There is a translation by Bhikkhu Analayo, though SuttaCentral. Actually, I didn’t realize there was a translation by him. But it doesn’t make much of a difference to me. I wanted to try to understand the sutra in Chinese without having an English version to reference.


Yes, that’s a good story! Here’s a modern adaptation of the old story, “Saiweng Loses a Horse.”


That’s one of the few 成語 I remember from studying in China. This is the other one 守株待兔 | Chengyu Stories.

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