Buddhist magazines

I’m curious if users here read buddhist magazines such as tricycle, lion’s roar etc. Do you read them on a regular basis and find them useful in engaging with buddhist ideas, topics, the teachings etc.?

Maybe you have a subscription and can tell others if you think it’s worthwhile? Do you think it’s high quality?

I used to buy buddhist magazines (in paper) available at my local bookstore. I don’t do so anymore because I hardly ever find articles that provide anything useful. Now I only read the ones freely available online and only very seldom.

But I’m not really familiar with neither tricycle nor lion’s roar, so I’d be interested in forum user’s opinions. I read some articles on trial basis (those you can access when you haven’t subscribed).


“Nope” on all counts. I do not find them useful.


Hi Thistle. I read once in a while Lions Roar, when somthing interesting pops up.
Too much reading and too many opinions clutter up my path, I find. That’s why I stay with the Suttas. :slightly_smiling_face: Lord Buddha knows best what he wanted to say :lotus:


Nope not reading, prefer reading Suttacentral , and Tipitaka Pali ,its better for my precious time.


In my experience they have to stay within certain demographics to sustain subscriptions and advertising. (Otherwise, they would be a failed business and couldn’t publish anymore.)

As such, they can only go into a certain level of depth regarding Buddhist practice. Also, they must cover a wide range of Buddhist traditions.

I feel they were useful for me during a certain period. Then I was ready to move on.