Buddhist movies?

Thus I have heard is an animated movie about the life of the Buddha.


Not Buddhist in name, but definitely Buddhist in every other way. One of the best documentaries ever, IMO:

A couple of notable quotes from it:

“The two big unfixables are ageing and dying.”

“One of the nice things about being at the farm is you realise everything dies. It’s the cycle of life. The cows die, the trees die, the grass dies, the fish die. And people die.”


https://dharma-documentaries.net/ is a website with stuff related and tangentially related to buddhism

As for my fav, must be Bill Porter (Red Pine) documenting a trip he took to a mountain range in China to find hermits practicing a solitary life 【Eng Sub】纪录电影《隐士 Hermits》走进深山探�


4th Noble Truth

Really excellent.

Particularly suitable for introducing people to Buddhism.

Xuan Zang (2016)


I would add this to the series of movies which may be of Buddhist interest: a documentary on various aspects of being human.

IMDb: : Human
Human (2015) - IMDb

There are too many to mention.

See standford for a resource. And berkeley.


Perfect Days
Wim Wenders film

Compare to
A Single Excellent Night.

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I enjoyed “Zen”, I’m hoping a film about Empty Cloud (Xu Yun) gets made, I’ve read his biography a few times.