Can a Stream Enterer or even an Arahant have a soul?

I’m re-posting this piece with a couple of small corrections as I accidentally deleted the earlier reply.

I’m surprised no one has so far mentioned manomaya-kāya - Mind-created-body. manōmaya-kaya is described as a body ‘obtained’ (realised is better) by the practitioner at the stage of the fourth Jhāna. However, also know as the Body of Virtues it is present in, associated with, all of us. So yes, there is a soul, albeit one that’s impermanent and, ipso facto, capable of spiritual development. Incidentally, there is no such entity as a disembodied mental state, e.g. consciousness. mano/rupa are codependent.

“With his mind thus concentrated, purified, and bright, unblemished, free from defects, pliant, malleable, steady, and attained to imperturbability, he directs and inclines it to creating manomaya-kāya. From this body he creates another body, endowed with form, made of the mind, complete in all its parts, not inferior in its faculties. Just as if a man were to draw a reed from its sheath. The thought would occur to him: ‘This is the sheath, this is the reed. This sheath is one thing, the reed another, but the reed has been drawn out from the sheath.’ Or as if a man were to draw a sword from its scabbard. The thought would occur to him: ‘This is sword, this is the scabbard.’ Or as if a man were to pull a snake out from its slough. The thought would occur to him: ‘This is the snake, this is the slough. The snake is one thing, the slough another, but the snake has been pulled out from the slough.’”7

7 Thanissaro Bhikkhu, tr. Samaññaphala Sutta