Can a Stream Enterer or even an Arahant have a soul?

Can anyone who is knowledgeable in Pali give a good translation of the following sentences?

  1. There is no self.
  2. There is a (the) self.
  3. I/We/You/Each person do not have a (the) self.
  4. I/We/You/Each person have a (the) self.
  5. A (the) self can not be seen/found/known.
  6. A (the) self can be seen/found/known.
  7. I (as the Buddha speaking) do not see/find/know a (the) self.
  8. I (as the Buddha speaking) see/find/know a (the) self.

Because I can not find anything (even in the similar meaning) for the above sentences in the Pali canon. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Personal note: Instead, I found that the Buddha declared all theories about self only leads to suffering (MN22). To which, I understand as even theory about “no self” is still within category “theory about self”. Also, I instead found in MN2 about these 2 views: “perceive a self with not-self” or “perceive not-self with a self”. These views are declared by the Buddha to also lead to suffering.

Again, as personal note, following what is in the Pali sutta, I don’t see any evidence to support an idea “a Stream Enterer or an Arahant have a soul”. Also, no evidence to support an idea “a Stream Enterer or an Arahant does not have a soul”. As in MN22 and MN2, both ideas above only lead to suffering.