Can there be proof that sangha didn’t smoke weed like Sadhus?(Buddha time)

Here is what Ven S. Dhammika has in his NATURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT

Bhaṅga. Cannabis, Cannabis sativa (Vin.I,58). Cannabis is a tall annual herb with broad spear-shaped leaves with serrated edges and which emits a particular odor. Steam from cannabis leaves boiled in water was used as a sweating treatment for sore limbs and rheumatism (Vin.I,205). Fibre from the stem was used to make ropes and woven into a coarse cloth (D.II,350 Vin.III,256). There is no mention in the Tipiṭaka of cannabis being taken for its hallucinogenic effect. The Hindi word bhang is now used specifically for the dried leaves of this plant.

And I search for similar Nepalese treatment

In Nepal they use Aesculus indica for joint pain.


Indian horse chestnut is a large tree, distributed in the Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal. The tree is locally known as Khanor in Himachal Pradesh

Looks like it’s a tree but it’s name is different. That’s the similar usage I found

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