I know of four Pāli suttas with parallels in Chinese that quote from the Pārāyanavagga.
SA 345 (SN 12.31)
SA 982 (AN 3.32)
SA 983 (AN 3.33) + SA3 8
SA 1164 (AN 6.61)
If you know of others, please share!
I’ve opened this thread to see if anyone with skill in translating Buddhist Chinese is interested in comparing the references to the Pāli counterparts. I’ve done some minimal preliminary comparison.
The collection is called the “波羅延那” at SA 345, but the shorter “波羅延” elsewhere.
SA 345 seems to be the most straightforward parallel, as it clearly is referring to Ajita with “阿逸多所問,” and the poem cited seems to match relatively closely the one in the Pāli. The verse runs.
「若得諸法數, 若復種種學,
具威儀及行, 為我分別說。」
SA 345
Compare Pāli:
“Ye ca saṅkhātadhammāse,
ye ca sekkhā puthū idha;
Tesaṁ me nipako iriyaṁ,
puṭṭho pabrūhi mārisa”
Snp 5.2
SA3 8 does not seem to mention the name of the collection at all, but the verse quoted does appear to be a version of the same one found at SA 983 and AN 3.33.
「度世說不致, 壞欲欲思想,
意不可俱爾, 亦除曉睡瞑,
亦還結疑, 觀意除淨,
起思惟法, 已說度世慧, 亦說壞癡。」
SA3 8
「斷於愛欲想, 憂苦亦俱離,
覺悟於睡眠, 滅除掉悔蓋,
捨貪恚清淨, 現前觀察法,
我說智解脫, 滅除無明闇。」
SA 983
Compare Pāli:
Pahānaṁ kāmasaññānaṁ, domanassāna cūbhayaṁ;
Thinassa ca panūdanaṁ, kukkuccānaṁ nivāraṇaṁ.
Upekkhāsatisaṁsuddhaṁ, dhammatakkapurejavaṁ;
Aññāvimokkhaṁ pabrūmi, avijjāya pabhedanaṁ.”
AN 3.33
Interesting note: The version here is slightly different from the one found at Snp 5.14 that it is meant to quote. There, the word is not ‘kāmasaññānaṁ‘ (‘sensual perceptions’) as at AN 3.33, but rather ‘kāmacchandānaṁ,’ one of the five hindrances. The double ‘-cch-‘ in the latter changes from the standard pathyā siloka meter, and in fact there is the variant reading ‘kāmachandānaṁ’ to fit the standard meter. The rendering with ‘saññā’ found here does not have the variation, and so it is possible that the meter was a contributing factor here. Comparison with the Chinese versions would be helpful in potentially establishing an older reading!
Both seem to be parallels to a passage from Udaya’s Question (Snp 5.14), which it seems is the name referenced SA 983: “憂陀耶所問.”
The Pāli parallel to SA 982 quotes from Puṇṇaka, but the Chinese name says: “富隣尼迦所問.” It seems maybe this is a Sanskrit form of the name (Pūrṇaka) as at the Pāli parallel, but maybe it is Pingiya (the last of the questioners). The verse reads:
「世間數差別, 安所遇不動,
寂靜離諸塵, 拔根無悕望,
已度三有海, 無復老死患。」
SA 982
Compare Pāli:
“Saṅkhāya lokasmiṁ paroparāni,
Yassiñjitaṁ natthi kuhiñci loke;
Santo vidhūmo anīgho nirāso,
Atāri so jātijaranti brūmi.”
AN 3.32 / Snp 5.4
This seems to be the same passage, but as far as I can tell the Pāli and Chinese versions seem more distant.
At SA 1164, it seems to be referring to ‘Tissametteyya’ as in the Pāli, with the Chinese transliteration being “低舍彌德勒所問.”
The Chinese:
『若知二邊者, 於中永無著,
說名大丈夫, 不顧於五欲,
無有煩惱鏁, 超出縫紩憂。』
SA 1164
And the Pāli:
“Yo ubhonte viditvāna,
majjhe mantā na lippati;
Taṁ brūmi mahāpurisoti,
sodha sibbanimaccagā”
AN 6.61
Again of note is that the Pāli version at AN is slightly different from the one at Snp 5.3, here a bit more significantly. When discussing the above verse, it would be good to compare both versions of the Pāli as well as the other parts of the verse at SN 5.3
Reconstructing the original names would be good, as well as digging into the verses themselves!