Comment on "We’ve Been Here All Along" by Ajahn Amaro

Hi Bhante,

As usual, you bring up some very deep issues.

This whole area of gurus, and traditions based on gurus, is one of tremendous difficulty and contradiction. On one hand, Dhamma practice should be judgeable by it’s results. On the other, it’s not so easy to actually verify the results, as we see hinted about in discussions such as the following:

So if we follow the ideas of Ajahn Maha Bua, or Ajahn Chah, or Mahasi Sayadaw, or Bhikkhu Nanananda, or students of those teachers, is our practice more likely to be successful? Or perhaps we should try some Vajrayana practices - those are said to be very quick…

Ultimately, short of taking our own practice all the way to stream entry, we have no conclusive way of assessing the efficacy of how people are practising, which is where I agree with Ajahn Amaro that one should not be too quick to dismiss certain aspects as “baggage” without an adequate exploration.

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