Community guidelines revision

I suggest adding a line in the forum guidelines about commitment to free speech and acceptance of diversity of opinions. I know diversity of opinion is tolerated as of today, but a specific line in the forum guideline about it would show the forum has a strong commitment to free speech and will do efforts to preserve it in the future.

Many members would be happy to see a strong commitment for free speech made by the moderation team, as other forums have done too.

I also suggest making clear what we can and can not post in the watercooler category, or weather it will exist or not in the future. I am asking because the rules right now are very blurr. I have been informed that my topic about Suburbia and it’s impact on the environment will be deleted if I do not edit it and try to make a connection to the dhamma. I taught the wattercooler is not about dhamma and topics regarding ecology are permitted. The lines are very blurr today and I hope clear guidelines will be decided by the end of this topic because I honestly have no idea what can be posted in the watercooler category right now. I keep thinking of it as the Lounge on DW but it’s nothing like that.

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