Community guidelines revision

@Aminah, when in the grip of a defilement, what stops someone from performing an unwholesome act is morally wholesome shame and fear (hiri, ottappa). What gives rise to wholesome behaviour is right view, right mindfulness and right effort. It is said that behaviour in a given society is governed by (loka pala) moral shame and fear. In societies where that which is not moral is considered moral (wrong view) or there is no reason to think twice before doing the wrong thing (ie- no consequences of breaking the rules) defilements will be given free reign. No one starts with right view or free of defilements, a degree of effective rules are needed. This is up to the moderators as well as the forum users.

A dysfunctional society turns a blind eye. A society that develops, is happy to receive suggestions and help others grow. We intentionally accept governance and rules as it makes this a better place for ourselves and others. At a more subtle level gaming, one-upmanship, projecting blame on to others, misdirection and pretence spoil it for others and the person as well. No forum guidelines can manage such subtle defilements (kilesa). I guess that is what the practice is for.

I’m saying we all have role in this, ‘internally and externally’.

with metta