Community guidelines revision

About the flagging system: I believe members should use it just like the “report a post” option is used on DW. If you see a topic breaking a rule, then you can report it and a moderator will investigate it. If the post is not breaking any rules but you just don’t like the post or don’t like the person posting it, that is no reason to report a post.

About the like system: On DW, this has been discussed and the majority has been against a like system because if facilitates gang-behavior witch was always a problem in the past pre 2016 and continues to be a problem today. It also facilitates narcissistic behavior and conformism. People post things that the majority would vote and those posting opinions against the majority consensus are marginalized. Those who honestly want to help other buddhist in dhamma related problems don’t feel the need to get any ego-boosting likes as a reward for helping other people. Most decent forums I know do not have a liking system, but this is probably not going to change here.

All in all, it comes down to moderators and what they want from this forum. Do they want a big, diverse and tolerant buddhist forum or a progressive subreddit, highly militarized and highly intolerant towards those not respecting progressive orthodoxism ? This is why in the censorship topic I have asked for a more diverse field of moderators, such as on DW. This would not only protect non-progresive members, but it would also protect the leadership of the forum from group-thinking and the devastating effects group-thinking can have.