Community guidelines revision

BREAKING NEWS: I just had a brilliant idea about how to greatly improve the forum without changing it’s progressive leading, making it use only the good parts of it’s progressive attitude and not the bad sides, preventing all the injustices and also having support by the majority of the forum :slight_smile:


The big advantage of this forum is being an EBT focused forum, the only one of it’s kind on the internet. I have found dhamma discussions here to be very productive. If the forum would be focused only on EBTs, problems about moderation bias and feelings of injustice felt by some members would disappear.

This is not a radical measure at all. For example even on the international pigeon forum, political discussion is totally banned. It is a forum exclusevly about pigeons, and it’s working great. Almost all specialized forums have political discussion banned on them cause that’s just not their focus.

This would be a great thing to do in my opinion. But are people here capable of reducing the worldly pleasure of engaging into politics ? So far, they appear to be, since the forum already has tried to reduce political discussion and many have suggested removal of the wattercooler. Why not take it to the end ? I mean even the pigeon forum did it.

If there is a door open for discussion of politics, with moderators choosing what is allowed or not in the watercooler, that will only create more injustice and let bias have a strong word to say. But I also know moderators here really are at least partially against political discussion and understand how this does not have a positive effect on the community. Why not remove it alltogether ? I repeat, almost all specialized forums on the internet do not have political sections and this makes people be much more friendly with each other, not knowing their political opinions. Why let politics create division in such an important and unique specialized forum, focused on EBTs ?

Removing politics will definitely remove all the fun. But if we are honest about improving the atmosphere of the forum, let’s do it.