Consciousness without surface

Not an accurate translation. Viññāna anidassanaṁ was translated by Ven. Thanissaro as “consciousness without surface” and he stated that it referred to a kind of nibbānic-consciousness outside of time and space:

" This is why the consciousness of nirvana is said to be “without surface” (anidassanam), for it doesn’t land. Because the consciousness-aggregate covers only consciousness that is near or far, past, present, or future—i.e., in connection with space and time—consciousness without surface is not included in the aggregates."

But further analysis of MN49 and DN11 in which these words occur strongly point to something else:

In the suttas, the Buddha never clearly or repeatedly states that there is any kind of consciousness outside the khandhas or the six senses. Would have been easy to do – for example, there’s no debate about this in the teachings of several early Upanisads in which an everlasting “knowing” beyond all conditions is taught.