Contemporary women's concerns about apparent sexism in the EBTs

Great point.

Yeah, no thanks. If we look at texts dating before the Common Era, there’s no homophobia in Buddhist texts, or indeed, so far as I know, in any Asian texts. And if you look at other scriptural traditions—such as the Greeks for example—homophobia is far from universal, where it exists at all. Let’s not assume that what is true of the Abrahamaic tradition is true of everyone. Or should I say, that what is true of a few Bible verses is true of everyone.

As far as sexism goes, a little nuance would be in order. There are a few problematic passages in the early Buddhist texts—which I have often discussed—and I don’t think this is among them. But it’s simply not true to say as a blanket statement that ancient “texts” are sexist.

Moreover, this assumes that “our” modern perspective is somehow more evolved than that of people in the past. It’s more complex than that. Moderns are sexist as hell. We have no vantage point of virtue on which to judge people of the past. A basic concept like believing women when they speak of sexual harassment is mandated in the Pali Vinaya, but practically ignored in almost every modern institution.