Content that monks recite when receiving alms?


Could anyone please help to point me to the content in Pali (maybe sutta?) that monks recite while they receive alms (for example food, clothes, medicine,…)?

Does this content vary case by case or it is normally just the same every time they receive alms?

Thank you a lot. :smiley:

At least here in Thailand it’s usually a rotation among these chants: Anumodanā - Google Drive

With the “Yatha…” being the most important.

It may be different in other Theravada countries?


Here in the BSWA monasteries we chant the ‘Yatha vāri vāhā purā’
including the ‘Sabb’ītiyo vivajjantu’
Abhivādana-sīlissa niccaṃ…
and Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṃ…

as it’s outlined in the Bhikkhu manual chanting linked above.

At my old Sri Lankan temple I never heard the first two but we did
Dedication to Sangha
imam bhikkham saparikkharam bhikkhu sanghassa dema x3
Sharing of Merits
Ākasaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā Devā nāgā mahiddhikā Puññaṃ taṃ anumoditvā
1.) Ciraṃ rakkhantu sāsanaṃ,
2.) Ciraṃ rakkhantu desanaṃ,
3.) Ciraṃ rakkhantu maṃ paraṃ.
Ettāvatā ca amhehi Sambhataṃ puñña-sampadaṃ
1.) Sabbe devā anumodantu, 2.) Sabbe bhūtā anumodantu, 3.) Sabbe sattā anumodantu,
Sabba-sampatti siddhiyā.

Idaṃ me ñātīnaṃ hotu.
Sukhitā hontu ñātayo x3

as well as buddha puja (flower, candles, incense, food, water, requisites)


Thank you very much for your replies :smiley:
I am satisfied with both answers from the two venerable. Just in case anybody else from other countries like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, etc… would like to share then of course I am all ears.

When you say “while…” if you mean at the very moment when they’re receiving alms, then the custom in most places is not to chant anything at all but to receive the offerings in silence. The anumodanā formulas are then chanted after the offerings have been received.

However, I have observed one curious exception to this in village monasteries in the north of Thailand. On Uposatha days in these monasteries it’s the custom for monks to sit on a dais with their almsbowls in front of them. The villagers then line up and walk along the row of monks dropping a handful of rice into each monk’s bowl. As they’re doing this the monks will chant the following:

  1. Namo tassa … etc.

  2. The special qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (Iti pi so bhagavā … svakkhato bhagavatā dhammo … supaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho …)

  3. Jayamaṅgala-aṭṭhagāthā (Bāhuṃ sahassamabhinimmitasāvudhantaṃ …).

  4. Jayaparitta (Jayanto bodhiyā mule …).

  5. Dhammapada 194:

Sukho ­buddhā­na­ṃ up­pādo
sukhā saddham­ma­desanā;
Sukhā saṅghassa sāmaggī,
samaggānaṃ tapo sukho.

  1. Aggaññasutta verse of Sanaṅkumāra:

Khattiyo seṭṭho janetasmiṃ
ye gottapaṭisārino;
so seṭṭho devamānuse.

  1. Dhammapada 387:

Divā tapati ādicco,
rattimābhāti candimā;
Sannaddho khattiyo tapati;
jhāyī tapati brāhmaṇo.
Atha sabba­maho­rattaṃ,
buddho tapati tejasā.

  1. Dhammapada 204:

Ārogyaparamā lābhā;
San­tuṭ­ṭhī paramaṃ dhanaṃ;
Vissāsā paramā ñāti,
Nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukhaṃ.


On the flip side, in Sri Lanka, sometimes people will chant the qualities of the sangha while they put the alms in the bowls (“Supatipanno…”). I’m not sure how common that is.