Creative Commons translations and possible misuse

Ajahn, isn’t there any free-distribution Buddhist publishers anywhere who have been asked if they want to produce a run of hard copies?

I picked up a lot of Dhamma books like this in the past? Why would this create an obstacle to S.C.'s publishing strategy?

How about rice-paper scrolls printed in Taiwan? You’ve got Taiwanese Mitra’s - is that correct? I wonder if they have this kind of digital typeset with some Dhamma-doodles for good measure (see below).

How about: the first letters like this:

Laurence, thank you for volunteering to make this happen!

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There are, and we will work in the long term with budaedu of taiwan. But i am not rushing this, I want to make sure the text settles down, there are thousands more corrections and additions coming soon. Small stuff, but it all adds up. Maybe towards the end of this year we’ll look at creating official printed editions.


If you are replying to my post, I didn’t mean that free-distribution books, from ForestSangha, etc, are a bad thing. I meant that if one does not have connections with particular monasteries, it is not always easy to get hold of hard copies.

Whereas an arrangement with a service like Lulu to print and mail is much easier get hold of:

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Waiting until the texts are more settled (your avoidance of the word ‘finalised’ is nice) is very sagacious Sadhu.


Patient endurance is the highest austerity - thanks for showing us how to wait with open-ended patience. A bunch of nobody’s going nowhere! Xxoo

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I wasn’t responding to your post. I was asking ‘Ajahn Sujato’ a question and, making an observation, based on past experience.


Thank you Bhante.
Now I see your insight.
You have free up the Buddha’s teaching to the English Speaking world!


That’s the plan. Only, not just the English-speaking world!


Lots of errors in the Sinhala translation hosted on SC. :weary:


What is the Sinhalese translation used in SC?
I know there is a Buddha Jayanti translation.
The latest is the Ven. Nanananda’s translation for which some monks object.

We use the AP de Zoysa translation. Happy to add others if there are decent source files.


I Google an found the following about Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka.

I think I may have just heard Mat volunteer to create new translations. :thinking:


Huh. If karl could find me an absorption that stops me from needing sleep :zzz: we might have a practical solution to this.


I alway wonder how @Bhante Sujato translate four Nikaya in two years. It take about six months just to read it without understanidng.
Can we write a programme to translate Pali to Sinhalease? Just tinking loud.


Well. There is this:

ප්රඥාවෙන් ප්රඥාවෙන් නිදහස් වී ඇත්තේ කෙසේද? “මම කෑදරකම, ද්වේෂය සහ මෝඩකම අත්හැර දමා, මුලින් ඔවුන් කපා, පාම් පොල්ලක් මෙන් ඒවා සාදා, ඒවා මුළුමනින්ම විනාශ කළෙමි. එබැවින් අනාගතයේ දී ඔවුන් හට නැඟී සිටිය නොහැකි ය.” ප්රඥාවන්තයාගේ මනස හොඳින් ප්රඥාවෙන් මුදාහරියි.

දක්ෂ ශිල්පියෙකුගේ ගුණාංගයන් 10: දක්ෂ ශිල්පියාගේ නිවැරදි දෘෂ්ටිය, නිවැරදි චින්තනය, නිවැරදි කථාව, නිවැරදි ක්රියා, නිවැරදි ජීවනෝපාය, නිවැරදි ප්රයත්නය, නිවැරදි සිහිකල්පනාව, නිවැරදි ගිල්වීම, නිවැරදි දැනුම හා නිවැරදි නිදහස.

However, I think one might need to edit such extensively.


I think we could have several translations in Sinhala if it’s not too much. The above reads I got rid of greed, anger and stupidity, turned them in to bread sticks and destroyed it.